we're doing this!! // homeschool set up, curriculum we're using & more!


we're doing this!! // homeschool set up, curriculum we're using & more! | subscribe to join the fam: bit.ly/2Clnxmf | Follow my IG: www.instagram.com/milenaciciotti/


pajamas: amzn.to/3cNjyY3
puffer vest (similar): amzn.to/3Ql6Ddi
phone case: rstyle.me/+MyWczbwpS_GM1mCPDcdYCw

Megan's instagram (interior designer): www.instagram.com/hartinterior/

Previous homeschooling video: youtu.be/Dn6cBjo3D94
Ellen Fisher homeschool podcast: youtu.be/kCMutm2Ehlw
Homeschool curriculum: www.goodandbeautiful.com

Homeschool set up-
Seat shell: www.ikea.com/us/en/p/valfred-seat-shell-for-junior-chair-white-90423383/
Chair frame: www.ikea.com/us/en/p/sibben-junior-chair-frame-swivel-00460902/
Desk: www.ikea.com/us/en/p/pahl-desk-white-s49128945/
Pegboard: www.ikea.com/us/en/p/skadis-pegboard-wood-10347171/
Pegboard accessories: www.ikea.com/us/en/p/skadis-pegboard-combination-white-s09216595/
Rattan paper organizers: www.ikea.com/us/en/p/trummis-magazine-file-handmade-rattan-50500825/

snuggle me lounger + nursing support pillow (currently 30% off!!): snugglemeorganic.com/pages/labor-day-sale/

toddler mealtime storefront (kids plates, cups, etc.): amzn.to/3TOXwVt
kitchen storefront: amzn.to/3AV44sM

Black round mirror: rstyle.me/+rQpR1U-plKasMUtwWybmQg
Pantry (smaller version):rstyle.me/+4P9O3oynEdbNL9ZfbUTlBg
Kids kitchen tower: rstyle.me/+kLmveLtNyHa7OPyac5oHjQ
Black bistro chairs (similar): rstyle.me/+mMxg2TxE6VnC-VEQeA9p1Q
Kitchen mood board (links to light fixtures, backsplash, sink, etc.): liketk.it/3D9Lt
Nespresso machine: amzn.to/3RDHgV7

Playroom mood board: liketk.it/3FZGp
Glider: rstyle.me/+RfF59jpqHmLKcYm4yVcKGQ
Educational banners: rstyle.me/+43nEvVI4uSTmtL85vYXanQ
Sconces: rstyle.me/+BTi2t92B4qGPyvn5qmFfVQ
Gathre banner: rstyle.me/+Q-2qe_S7qGFz2JBXq-tg2Q
Kids table and chairs: rstyle.me/+Rd671f-BTgE-Ty1bVz6ovg
Faux tree: rstyle.me/+vXQSnTlRH4PSTAuLhytGmw
Cube ottomans: rstyle.me/+QS0pqP6ED_rQKAM0ofaHmg
Wooden ottoman: rstyle.me/+RFRYHmjalMPKjSOWk0Yo9g
Book case: amzn.to/3yArzr9
Sissy's play gym: amzn.to/3piflhm
Nugget (sandcastle): nuggetcomfort.com/products/the-nugget

Living room-
Couch (similar): rstyle.me/+N2LihodSHLqd2vNO0fFiJw
Woven vase: rstyle.me/+5w4ZSmOAbO-0WOJ5pCp47g
Faux white flowers: rstyle.me/+B6DGRSgckkLEUdJadcBPVQ
Accent chair: rstyle.me/+a-FHy5_iUUd5zoBRM9hLKQ
Brown leather recliners: rstyle.me/+YRhwLSgF9zODFkKuiVFG3g
Rug: rstyle.me/+mYmjm4goZmegLlLduPwYNw
Mirror: rstyle.me/+9Qd78u0Cry1szF1lh0oAuQ
Black credenza (similar): rstyle.me/+3ENFT-ro4DwgDpwwYvH79A
Black side table: rstyle.me/+hl3HvzAdD1RqNbhk0iSV_A
Dog bed: amzn.to/3wzPWDj

Baby essentials storefront: amzn.to/3zDjqU2

our podcast on iTunes : apple.co/2YiSMKZ
our podcast on Spotify: spoti.fi/2TtMxQR


My Newsletter: www.milenaciciotti.com/subscribe
Join Our Private Facebook Page! www.facebook.com/groups/asformeandmyhousepodcast/
My Instagram: www.instagram.com/milenaciciotti/


my amazon storefront!

playroom link:

the kid's learning tower: rstyle.me/cz-n/dy6zhkcevyx

All of their toys: www.amazon.com/shop/milenaciciotti

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/midelli/


If you'd like for us to pray for you, just leave a comment below and we'd love to help.

++ want to work together? email

This video is sponsored by AG1. Some links are affiliate (rstyle and amazon) by purchasing an item from the affiliate link I receive a small commission, so thank you! You are not charged more or less by clicking or purchasing from a link. I couldn't do any of this without your love and support so thank you loves.

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