Biblical Ways For A Healthy Relationship With Food: Q&A 92 Episode
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Develop a healthy relationship with food by following these Biblical principles and teachings.
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03:40 Reset relationship with food
04:38 Overcome negative thoughts
05:39 Biblical health
Today I'm answering your questions about what the Bible says about healthy living. More specifically, a lot of these questions are relating to our relationship with food. And if you've ever struggled with dieting, or eating or just overwhelming information on the internet, this is going to be a really good talk for you today.
1. Is there a way to reset my relationship with food?
Yes - replace food with praise sounds over simplified, yet it's powerful. Write out your 24 hour plan. This is best using the hunger satisfied journal. And you can get this through the seven steps to amazing biblical health. It's a download, it's free, and then write out tomorrow's food plan. Now when tomorrow comes and you start negotiating with the food plan, I want you to step outside, I mean literally outside and start praising the Lord instead of letting your feet into the kitchen, or your snack drawer or your candy aisle in the grocery store. So when you do walk into the grocery store, walk in singing praises, keep your earbuds in with praise music, write out a verse of praise and read it every time you think of food instead of staying on track.
2. How can I reconcile an ongoing dialogue of I'll probably fail at this too, with the feeling that you're just unworthy?
Replace that thought that specific thought every time it comes to mind with a verse of praise a verse of who you are in Christ. You think well, I will probably fail. What you're saying is that God's not powerful enough to help you. God is a liar. God is not worthy of your attention. And that's what we're saying.
3. Where do I start to be healthy, biblically?
Are you willing to let God teach you his foods and his healing? Are you willing to let go of the culture of our world which just teaches results in five minutes? Or change your plans? And wait for his answers? I asked you these questions because sometimes we get immediate results by eating biblically. And other times it takes a while to eat biblically, without the prerequisite that you must lose your 25 pounds. For this to be the right plan. We need to get rid of that thought, for you to be off medications. This is the right plan. If you're willing to just trust God, eat the foods that he created as close to his design, your body will respond. And it will happen in God's timing. In the meantime, we learned to trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy and Jesus. And this includes our Health Trust guide, focus on his foods, and the changes will happen.
This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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