King of Glory | Season 1 | Episode 3 | Evil's Entrance


Vision Video

King of Glory takes you on an intense ride through the Scriptures of the prophets as it chronologically and accurately unfolds their story and message in a way that makes sense.<br />
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This 15-episode visualization of the world's best seller (the Bible) is about the Creator-Owner of the universe and His plan to rescue His rebel subjects from the kingdom of darkness and qualify them to live with Him forever in His kingdom of light.<br />
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With its thought-provoking narrative and inspired mix of motion-graphics, animation, and live video, this film is for a worldwide audience of all ages.<br />
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1. Prologue<br />
2. The Creator & His Creation<br />
3. Evil's Entrance<br />
4. Sin's Curse & God's Promise<br />
5. The Way of the Sacrifice<br />
6. Man's Rebellion & God's Faithfulness<br />
7. God's Plan Advances<br />
8. The Law & the Prophets<br />
9. The King's Entrance<br />
10. The King's Character<br />
11. The King's Dominion<br />
12. The King's Mission<br />
13. The King's Submission<br />
14. The King's Sacrifice & Triumph<br />
15. The King’s Gospel & Glory<br />
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Directed by Paul Bransen

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