Is Stress Good For You? What Stress REALLY Does To You!


Is stress good for you?
Here's what you never knew about stress and what it really does to you.

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Is stress good for you? What is stress? Well, we all are dealing with stress today, sometimes we think it's more than we were before, but sometimes it's just how we look at it. So we're gonna talk about stress today.

Now, let's get started with stress. What is stress? Stress is the gap between the demands that are placed on us and the strength that we have to meet those demands.

In Matthew 6:25, it says, "Do not be anxious about your life."

Well, that anxiousness is what we are kind of caught up in today in our world today. So stress has been called one of the fastest growing diseases of our time. And it's very true, because stress can be an underlying current to many of the diseases, many of the mental wellness issues that people are dealing with, and just many of the spiritual growth issues that people are dealing with.

Stress is the fastest growing disease in the Western world, or even pretty much in the world period. And it's all around us. It begins from the first breath that we take, and until the last breath that we take, that's how long we're going to be dealing with stress. So the sooner we learn how to take it in, how to identify it, and how to transform it from a bad stress to a good stress, the better life will be.

But not all stress is bad. Our body responds well to stress if it is if it's taken in handled, and then move on. But when we have chronic stress, then it leads to inflammation, pain, anxiety, unforgiveness, that's bad stress. That's what we do not want to hang on to good stress gets us up on time gets us to do our work on time gets us to make meals, it gets us to exercise. That's good stress, bad stress. That's another story.

So let's look at this, our daily lives, they have challenges, but they also have opportunities. And remember, the definition of stress is that gap between the demands that are placed on us and the strength we have to meet those demands. So always remember that definition of stress.

When you think, Oh, I'm just too stressed, then it's then something's going on that you don't have the ability to meet those demands. So either the demands need to change, or your ability to meet those demands needs to be improved. It still comes down to you, what can you do about it?

Positive stress - good stress - is a challenge or opportunity that typically requires us to stretch ourselves. Whereas a negative stretch stretch, whereas a negative stress is an overload. It's a stretch that can cancel your pleasure.

Positive stress examples would be this announcement that, hey, you're getting to be parents or grandparents. I know that could also be a negative stress, we're looking at the positive side of things, a promotion at work, or maybe you just completed a really difficult project. Shopping for a great sale at your favorite store. Yay. That sounds like fun. Moving into the house of your dreams...

Examples of negative stress can be challenges that you get a bad health report. No one wants to get that or a doctor gives you a comment that he really shouldn't have. But he does anyway now you have to deal with it. losing a job getting a speeding ticket. I do not like getting speeding tickets, any number of family issues. We got a lot of family issues going on today. Marriage issues, divorce issues, stepchildren, regular children all of that you have issues going on. And just really it could be any problem that's facing us today can be a bad stress if we don't know how to handle it.

Well, stress means opportunity. And it's an opportunity to see how we want to accept the situation and how we want to handle the situation. And how we choose that route. How we choose to accept it and handle it is going to be how it determines whether Good or

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