Healing from deep anxiety and depression || Watch Elaine's testimony


Elaine shares about how fear used to grip her. As Elaine humbled herself and repented before God for her family idols, personal bitterness, and judgements, she began to recover and reconcile with family and friends. Praise God! ➡️ SUBSCRIBE bit.ly/32BkXsU

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"When I attended law school, I think that was it. The trap of performance drove me to a brink.

I became really, really depressed and extremely anxious. Some of the symptoms would be sleeplessness, ruminating thoughts, excess exhaustion. I would sleep like 15 hours in, very low motivation, I would skip classes. I couldn't finish my project on time and even at times suicidal thoughts.

I remember one time, I was waiting for my train and I really wanted to jump into the track. So those are the thoughts that I had at the time. So I would make my escape by really watching TV like 24/7, bingeing on food.

So when I saw a counsellor, they thought that I actually have a bipolar disorder because I would be on high and then suddenly I would be on low. But our friend suggested that I should read Psalms and pray to God at night so that my mind would stop running in a loop."

#christian #God #Jesus #testimony #ministry #HolySpirit #salvation #depression #anxiety #bible

About Teaching Humble Hearts
With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ► www.teachinghumblehearts.com

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