Gluttony Explained: 3 Steps How To Be Free From Gluttony Biblically!


Here are 3 steps on how to be free from gluttony.
Biblical steps that will help you to get rid of gluttony and be more satisfied.

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There is a pastor that I met many years ago and his mantra was, my church deserves a happy pasture, and I am happiest when I eat. Well, that pastor has had both knees replaced twice, and he can barely get out of the chair today. And today he weighs over 300 pounds. The prayer list in the church is more about health issues than it is about loss people. What's the problem? Problems, food, food, both processed foods, and too much food is a leading underlying cause of many diseases, specifically, inflammation and cancer. What if we met to meet each other's needs, and set a meeting to eat?

Gluttony is a sign that there's something eating us. Gluttony is a symptom of a deeper problem. Number one, it could be ignorance of how to eat and how to shop for good healthy eating. Number two, emotional salvation that becomes the death of ourselves. And number three, the chemical imbalance.

Now drunkenness and gluttony, they lead to a callousness in the Christians life. People use excuses to avoid really recognizing their gluttony or their drunkenness, such as well, I'm just too tired. Oh, I'll do that later. I'm not interested in being on a mission today. I need this food right now. And don't tell me what to eat. Now, here's the excuse that really breaks my heart, and people tell it to me quite often.

Gluttony is an ignorance to the saving grace of our precious Lord and Savior. It is understanding why we have 25 bible verses on our body, about our body being a temple of the Holy Spirit. Living in Gluttony is the opposite of living and saving grace. Grace is God's life, power and righteousness given to us by unmerited favor. It's through grace that God works in an effective change in our hearts and in our lives. Grace gives us a new life in which it's not condemned by God, to continuing Gluttony is to devalue the life that God has given us.

Grace is understanding all God has done for us and continues to do and when that reaches the center of your heart, there is no room for gluttony or drunkenness. There's only room for him.

So here are three steps to help you get free from the sin of gluttony

number one will always be number one. Ask the Lord for help. This is the first step if you feel convicted of being gluttonous. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and also for his To help confess your need in this area is simple.

Number two, pay attention to why you're eating. start reflecting whenever you have the urge to kind of gorge yourself on food what why am I turning to food right now what else is going on? Practice turning to the Lord instead and seeking His comfort and his presence. Spend time praising and worshiping and drawing close to him. This helps loosen glutton these hold on your life.

Number three, embrace balanced eating, eating balanced being recognizing the hunger cues, practice moderation, all of these skills they have to be learned. So to give you a head start on this journey I wrote the hunger satisfied journal. This book will walk you through the process of changing your eating habits and teach you the tools that that you may need to eat balanced with God at the center of your focus always. Now you can get that through the seven steps to amazing biblical health and it's totally free. Now I want you to think about breakthroughs.

Pray for God to reveal why you need this control so you can break up with it and receive a breakthrough. Break up with callousness. God's word is written for you callousness comes from not seeing God at work in your life and the failures of those around you. And this results to go into food as a replacement. callousness towards the word and God's presence results just because we're ignoring him.

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