Fight Cancer, COVID, Stress & More! 5 Mind-Blowing Mushroom Benefits!


What are the health benefits of mushrooms?
Here are 5 mushroom benefits that include fighting cancer, overcoming lingering covid symptoms, and more!

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00:00 - 01:09 - 5 health benefits of mushroom
01:10 - 01:56 - Intro
01:57 - 02:43 - types of mushrooms
02:44 - 05:50 - reasons to eat
05:51 - 06:40 - storing mushrooms
06:41 - 10:39 - mushroom recipe
10:40 - 12:43 - conclusion

Mushroom benefits are so numerous! Here are 5 of the many reasons why you should eat mushrooms today and everyday.

1. Cancer prevention

2. Rebuild the gut microbiome

3. Help with stress management

4. Overcome lingering covid symptoms

5. Boost your immune system

The food today is mushrooms. And yes, mushrooms have been a staple in the diet for 1000s of years, yet many people didn't realize the health benefits of mushrooms.

So today we're gonna look at why mushrooms are so beneficial, how we can stir them up real quickly for a quick dish and the best way to store mushrooms.

Mushrooms contain beta glucan, which is a soluble fiber. That soluble fiber has Beta Glucan, and it is being studied extensively because they have anti cancer properties. In fact, they're even using some of these beta glucans from mushrooms, it can also be from yeast or grain into cancer treatments.

So when we eat these mushrooms, whether they're fresh, whether they are sauteed, whether they're on your pizza, whether they're on your salad, your body is going to have a boost in immune system functioning, it's going to improve your T cells and your B cells. When you do that, you create an ability to protect your cells, protect your body, and then if something gets in, it destroys it. And then once it destroys it, it cleans it up.

So we protect, we destroy and we clean up all from the foods that God has given us and mushrooms are a powerhouse for health. So when you're choosing different mushrooms, go ahead. They're all going to have benefits yet don't cut off the stem. The stem is actually double dose on the Beta Glucan because besides the Beta Glucan you're getting other vitamins and minerals and B vitamins. So mushrooms are actually an anti stress food.

So enjoy this fungus today and see your body to be transformed and to start feeling better. If you need a more concentrated type of beta glucan, then you need to go to a supplemental form. So eating mushrooms every day is not going to be enough. If you're in the throes of cancer, you need to talk to your doctor about getting some beta glucan supplements. It doesn't have to be a prescription, you can do that on your own.

But just talk to your doctor and work with them always. And be upfront with them with what you're doing and how you're trying to be as proactive as possible and protect your healthy cells.

Thanks for letting me share this with you today. It is so important that you understand that I am here for you because you matter and you matter to me because you matter to God first and he loves you with an amazing love and everlasting love. And I just want to teach you about the good foods and the nutritional value so that you can just sit down to the table and just love what you are serving your family.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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