Do You Want to Be Well? Essential Biblical Health Tips and Guide


Do you want to be well?
Here are essential Biblical health tips and guide to help you achieve total wellness.

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Do you want to be well? Roadblocks are can be physical, they can be mental, they can be spiritual, and they can be all wrapped up together in one and that's what we're going to recognize in today's talk.

So, we need to first change our vocabulary. And this is very important because how you speak about yourself is going to determine how you then respond in different situations.

We want to change your vocabulary from being self sabotaging to your success. And negotiating with failure. This is comes up quite often in the inner circle, when we challenge people to make a plan 24 hours in advance and then stick to the plan. Well, when they don't stick to it, typically they hadn't negotiated, they have negotiated with themselves. And next thing, you know, they're at the refrigerator door discussing this with their self, either in their mind or out loud. You know, I don't feel like what I wrote down, I want to eat something different. That's negotiating.

So when we start negotiating, we start stepping into failure. When you go back to the beginning of Genesis II started negotiating with the serpent, we'll deal with God really say that, and then she starts backpedaling that's negotiating. She had complete, you know, she was the complete guardian of that garden. And she negotiated herself down to being just a caretaker, and not even a good caretaker at that. And so she she lowered herself to a position that God did not design for her, but she negotiated herself into failure, unable to lose weight, that's your vocabulary, fear, are we letting that slip in too often?

Now we're going to get to the physical, but the mental is so much more important before we can even address the physical. So we need a new vocabulary. When this is one of my favorite verses in Psalm 34, five, they look to Him and we're radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed. That is how God expects us to see him. That is how he expects us to look to Him. Not with shame, not with doubt, not with fear, not with anger, not with hypocrisy, not with any of that. This is how he wants us to look to Him.

They look to Him and we're radiant. How do we get that radiance? Well, we get that radiance because of the way we are reflecting his glory back to him. And their faces, we'll never be ashamed. There's no shame here. We do this because we have to be a cognitive we have to be aware of what we're thinking and what we're doing with our life. So our new vocabulary is radiance. That is such a huge word. I'd love for you to do a word study on that. We are to eat with enjoyment, not eat with doubt, eat with shame, eat with Oh, no, we are to live in the freedom, the freedom in Christ, not freedom that you can do whatever you want, I get this comment quite often a net, we're saved by grace, we can eat what we want.

I just want to say how's that working for you? How is that working for you, because we cannot eat what we want. We shouldn't be able to eat what we want. But what but our one should be in agreement with what God has created for us which is best.

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