Breaking Down Barriers: Journeys of the Apostle Paul (2013) | Short Movie | Seth Conley


Watch Breaking Down Barriers: Journeys of the Apostle Paul Short Movie on Vision Video

The Apostle Paul’s amazing story is surpassed only by the legacy of Christian faith he left behind. Breaking Down Barriers traces Paul’s missionary journeys across Asia Minor, Greece and Italy. Join Hosts, Seth Conley and Yolo Lopez-Perez as they journey to the actual locations where Paul taught. You will discover what life was really like for Paul and how he impacted the spiritual, social and political atmosphere wherever he went. You’ll gain greater insight into Paul’s respectful but bold challenge to the polytheistic religions of the Greco-Roman world as well as his challenge to the assumptions of his own Jewish people. The program will provide deeper understanding of how Paul’s Gospel message broke down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles, rich and poor and men and women. Fast paced and visually appealing, Breaking Down Barriers is an excellent resource for bible study groups and classroom use as well as for personal study.

Cast: Seth Conley, Yolo Lopez-Perez

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