Lectio For Families | Devotional App from 24-7 Prayer


Lectio for Families is a free app for families to do together. It features daily Bible readings, a weekly memory verse, engaging questions to pause and talk about, and prompts for reflection and prayer.

The app can be downloaded by parents and carers onto a mobile device. Families can then choose to either listen to the audio content together, wherever and whenever they are together, or they can read it as they pass the device to each other.

Download the app...

Get this free resource for both Apple and Android phones

iOS App Store: apps.apple.com/gb/app/lectio-for-families/id1587730242

Android Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details

Matt F (Lectio for Families user): Just tried this with my daughter after dinner, she was captivated. Thank you 24-7 Prayer – looking forward to using it everyday 🙌

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