{🔥 NEW VIDEO} Stop the War Against Your Body. Let's Make Peace.
Are you tired of the chaos all around you and the voice of the inner-critic inside of you? If you’re over being at war with your body and ready to make peace, NOW is the time to invest in your freedom!
Registration is now open for our next class of Revelation Wellness Instructor Training that begins in February.
Through training, you’ll train to make peace with your body and hold peace in your body so you can go into a chaotic, divided, and weary world and share the love of Christ. Stop the war against your body. Instead, train your whole self to get free, stay free, and set others free!
Watch this powerful video of Platoon 27 training to make peace!
Download a packet to find out more about Revelation Wellness Instructor Training: www.revelationwellness.org/instructor-training/