The Christian's Secret Life (Part 3): How To Pray - Tim Conway


Is the "Lord's Prayer" a mindless liturgy to you? Did Jesus mean when we pray, we must use these exact words? Why then do we never see that prayer repeated in the New Testament? What Jesus was doing was not giving us a formality and strict structure of words to repeat time and time again; rather, He was showing us what ought to characterize our prayers. The Christians ought to pray in such a way that reflects the heart of this prayer Jesus gives us.


→ View on I'll Be Honest:

0:00 - Logo intros.
0:12 - Reading sermon text Matthew 6.5ff
1:58 - Should these be called the Lord's prayer or the disciple's prayer?
3:54 - Why did those in a lifeboat of the Titanic recite the "Lord's prayer"?
8:15 - Do not pray by heaping up empty phrases, which people often do with the "Lord's prayer."
13:31 - This prayer is given to us to get us to think about how we pray rather than heaping up empty words.
14:56 - Acts 4.24, an example of a New Testament prayer.
17:21 - First observation - Every pronoun in this prayer is plural and not singular -- Christ wants us praying for each other.
20:45 - Second observation - Hallowed be your name - this shows us what the Lord wants our hearts engaged in.
30:16 - Third observation - Thy will be done. This phrase is often misused and abused.
36:31 - Fourth observation - Give us this day our daily bread.
45:21 - What comes out of us praying for present needs?
50:53 - Fifth observation - Forgive us our debts? Explain the doctrine of justification to me.
1:06:32 - Closing prayer.

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