Counterfeit Vs. Authentic: Can Christians Redeem New Age Practices?


Is it true that for every counterfeit spiritual experience or practice out there, that there's an authentic one? These are teachings such as clairaudience (speaking to angels), channeling spirits, spirit guides, spell casting, trances, astrology, auras, psychic powers, or just ‘fill in the blank’ with any New Age teaching. In many churches and in Physics of Heaven, it's taught that there’s an authentic version of these new age teachings that actually belongs to the Church. I want to give my respectful but firm disagreement about this idea

And guys, to be clear -yes- this book is a book currently sold at Bethel's book store and endorsed by Bethel's leaders. Beni and Bill Johnson contribute chapters in the book and Kris Vallotton gives the introduction. This book is the epitome of what concerns me about what is happening at Bethel and what they're teaching. When I'm having a conversation with someone at church and their theology is a direct result of what they read in this book? That means it's influencing Christians. I can't not speak about this.

Other Resources:
Another video on Physics of Heaven:

Top 5 New Age Teachings in the Church:

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