6 Sure Fire Ways to Get Rid of Holiday Stress


Are you dreading the upcoming holidays? Do you find you’re stressed out by all there is to do and all the money you have to spend, and all the food that you’ll have a chance to eat?

What about the fact that people always get sick around the holidays and the chances of getting Coronavirus are especially high right now?

It’s proven that people are more stressed out at Christmas time than at any other time of the year. But not only is December supposed to be the happiest time of the year, but it can also be your healthiest time of the year if you get rid of the stress that tends to overtake you.

Instead of focusing on your finances, your full schedule, or the expectations of others, try these 6 things to get rid of holiday stress altogether.

Read the full article - www.crosswalk.com/special-coverage/christmas-and-advent/sure-fire-ways-to-get-rid-of-holiday-stress.html

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