Biggest Political Fear, Trump's Second Impeachment & More | CHESS & CHAT Ep. 1 (Quest for 1500)
A new segment where I play chess and chat about controversial topics, current events and life. :)
0:00 Intro
2:53 First Game
4:03 Biggest Political Fear
7:19 Social Media's Monopoly Problem
10:15 Why I got Married so young
12:55 Political Topic I Feel Strongest about
14:27 Favorite Color
14:48 Stimulus Checks/Lockdowns
15:55 Worst Blunder of the Day
16:33 Stimulus Checks/Lockdowns Part 2
19:27 Least Favorite Job I've ever had
24:12 Trump's Second Impeachment
27:26 Optimistic vs Pessimistic about the Future
29:18 Best Part about being a Dad
30:17 Last Game/Queen Trap