Peacemakers: Crossing the Divide (2020) | Full Movie
As the Church has grown increasingly divided, the need for reconciliation and unity has never been greater. Peacemakers: Crossing the Divide is a one-hour documentary film that brings a message of hope through the power of the Gospel to transform lives. The setting is in one of the most conflicted areas of the world—Israel/Palestine. Arab and Jewish followers of Jesus tell their stories of obedient faith that led them to love their neighbors in ways that have brought forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation. Ultimately the film’s message is about Jesus' final prayer for his followers:
“May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me….” John 17:23
Scriptural truths communicated in this film and the accompanying study guide are relevant to the issues that today deeply divide the local church, the nation, and the Church worldwide. This film is meant to challenge the viewer to become a ‘Peacemaker’ in a world that is desperate for the true peace that only Jesus can bring—peace with God and peace with one another.