Ellie and Jared

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We struggled for nearly 3 years to have a baby without success. After an endless stream of doctors and tests, Ellie was finally diagnosed with a type of infertility called PCOS. Fertility treatments and more disappointments followed until finally we got pregnant. We were blessed with a wonderful, healthy baby boy who is now a very active toddler. Then, suddenly, without the help of any fertility treatments we were blessed with another amazing baby boy. We are now enjoying our family adventures and we are excited to share them with you daily!

We are living proof that dreams come true Our channel is about our family including our miracle babies Jackson and Calvin and their growing up adventures. We hope our enthusiasm for life and our positive energy is contagious. Join us for new, family friendly videos every day.

For collaborations, business inquiries, and personal inquiries please contact jaredandellie@gmail.com

Ellie and Jared Mecham
PO BOX 6421
LOGAN UT 84341