The Christian's Life in Secret (Part 2): When You Pray - Tim Conway


Do you pray? And if so, how do you pray? In Matthew 6 Jesus gives us three categories of people and how they pray:
1. The hypocrite who offers up long prayers to be noticed by others.
2. The Gentile who heaps up vain repetitions thinking they’ll be heard for their many words.
3. The Christian who actually prays and does so in secret.
The Christian has a promise that the Father waits for us in the secret place of prayer; that is no small promise. The world and all false religions do not have this privilege. They don't have this access to the Father, but the Christian is not only granted access but is bid to come to that place.


→ View on I'll Be Honest:

0:00 - Logo intros.
10:17 - Start of the sermon.
56:13 - Opening prayer.
1:54 - Matthew 6.5, are you concerned with what others think of you when you pray?
6:27 - Be watchful not to be a people pleaser.
6:56 - Is your identity primarily rooted in your concern for what your heavenly Father thinks about you?
8:16 - What group of non-Jews have a practice in their religion to multiply prayers?
11:59 - Do you say "God" or "Father" when you pray?
15:49 - Praying to your Father in secret.
17:42 - Jeremiah 30.21 who dares approach God? We now go in with Christ as our advocate.
21:40 - You often must wait and tarry in the secret place in order to find God.
23:55 - Is it Biblical to direct your prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ and not just the Father?
25:56 - All prayer is expressly triune and has the Father, Son, and Spirit all involved.
29:14 - Who is the third category mentioned in Matthew 6?
30:55: - What makes prayer acceptable to God?
33:39 - Is it possible for a genuine believer to keep Christ's commands?
35:38 - What is another critical element of prayer? Faith.
38:33 - What does it mean to pray in Christ's name?
39:51 - Application - Do you pray to your Father in secret?
43:16 - What did Jesus, the Son of God, have to pray about all night long?
45:23 - Application - If Christ prayed all night long, should I be satisfied with the amount of time I pray?
46:23 - What did Christ actually pray for when he prayed?
49:57 - John 16.25-27
54:07 - Closing prayer.

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