Our Lord's Three Imperatives of Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock! - Tim Conway


I'll Be Honest


The Lord Jesus Christ gives us three imperatives on prayer: ask, seek, and knock. What greater incentive to pray than to know that whatever we ask it will be given to us! In this sermon Pastor Tim exhorts Christians to truly seek the Lord in prayer and keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking, and our requests will be granted!

🎧MP3: illbehonest.com/download/fullsermons/ask-seek-knock-tim-conway.mp3

→ View on I'll Be Honest: illbehonest.com/three-imperatives-of-prayer-ask-seek-knock

0:00 - Introduction
5:35 - The encouragement for us in prayer.
9:03 - Notice the word "it".
13:30 - How can we know when something is a good thing?
[I lacked the time to finish the outline, feel free to add timestamps in the comments and I will add them here.]

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