Why Modern Food Is Killing Us | Our Food Has Changed (And What To Do)
This will open your eyes on how much our food has changed.
Discover why - and how - modern food is killing us and what you can do about it.
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00:00 intro
00:54 problem with modern diets
05:49 foods that God has given us
07:19 man isolates
07:53 3 biblical eating principles
08:17 supplements
11:30 phytic acid
15:14 grains and microbiome
How Much Our Food Has Changed: The Foods God Created and Called Good
The Bible's first mention of food occurs in Genesis, where God declares the seed-bearing plants to be good. After Noah’s Flood, meat is also introduced as acceptable food, with guidelines on which animals are “clean” and fit for consumption. From these accounts, we see God’s intention for us to eat wholesome, unprocessed foods, highlighting balance and moderation rather than restriction or elimination. The biblical diet is not about segregating foods into “carbs” or “proteins” but about honoring and consuming them in their natural forms, as God created.
Dr. Rex Russell’s book, What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, sums up this principle with three guiding rules:
Eat foods that God has called good for us.
Consume these foods as close to their natural state as possible.
Avoid letting any food become an idol or addiction.
Following these three principles simplifies our approach to diet. If a particular food or supplement doesn’t align with these, we can let it go without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.
Breaking Down Diet Confusion: Food Science and Biblical Wisdom
Today, many scientific findings align with biblical wisdom on food. For instance, science reveals that processed foods have less nutritional value and can lead to health issues, echoing the Bible's warning against overly modifying what God created. Nutrient-rich grains, which have sustained civilizations for millennia, are often criticized in modern diets, yet research supports their role in gut health and mental well-being. Grains, especially when consumed as whole grains, offer more fiber and nutrients than some fruits and vegetables. Yet many grains are over-processed, losing up to 60% of their fiber and becoming less beneficial for our health.
Consider common dietary concerns, like the fears surrounding lectins and phytic acid. These naturally occurring substances are part of whole foods that have nourished people for centuries. Consuming foods in a balanced, traditional way—such as soaking grains and cooking beans properly—helps minimize potential digestive issues, supporting our bodies rather than disrupting them.
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