What Foods Did Jesus Eat? How To Eat According To The Bible
Discover how to eat according to the Bible.
Learn the foods that Jesus ate, how we should eat today, and benefits of the Bible diet.
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00:00 INTRO
01:08 3 steps to get control of eating
03:33 hunger and satisfied
04:14 fast
05:40 biblical eating principles
06:19 eat the food as close to God’s design
07:18 don’t let any food become your god
08:25 beliefs
How To Eat According To The Bible
1. Eat real food – we will talk more about this in the next three tips, but for now – we need to eat the foods God called good.
As we reflect back to Genesis 1-2 God created and when he did he called it good. Good in these verses means excellent of its kind – valuable in estimation. This means nothing man disguises as food can compete or compare with God given foods. And this continues with all food mentioned in the Old and New Testament that Jesus ate. – If Jesus ate it - it is good. And what is once called good is always good. What is called unclean is always unclean. Follow the example of Jesus.
Eat real food - the sooner we walk away from lab experiment foods and the sooner we enjoy God designed foods the sooner the opportunity for inflammation to lessen and digestive issues which leads to diabetes and hormonal challenges.
Real food brings healing to the cells.
You can try this for yourself. For 7 days eat only real food – no package, no chemicals, no breakfast cereals from a box, etc. you can eat foods designed to be enjoyed. If you eat meat – look for a farm who raises the animals according to biblical principles – this is more common than you think.
If you stick with plant foods – God will show you how to find the best quality. Remember he owns it all and he desires to bless the desires of your heart. There is no limit with God on finances or healing.
Step 1 – eat real food.
Step 2 – eat by the God given signals – hunger and satisfied.
When our body is in the state of homeostasis and all is balanced, we would eat only when hungry – truly hungry and we would stop – even mid bite, when we are satisfied. The hormones God created for us are Leptin and ghrelin. When we have been consuming a processed and ultra processed food diet, these hormones are silenced and a person can eat a normal sized meal and be hungry to eat 2-3 more servings beyond what is healthful for the body. This contributes to inflammation weight gain and many other health challenges.
Step 3 – Learn to fast between meals and overnight. Again, the processed and ultra-processed foods have lessened our desire to stop eating. Giving our body a break between meals even up to 4 hours allows our body to step into autophagy and burn away dead cells, rejuvenate new cells and process digestion in a state of healing.
Fasting overnight 12 hours again allows a deeper autophagy state to bring healing to the brain, liver, muscles and hormones.
Try this for yourself. See what comes to mind when you go 4 hours between meals. Typically processed and ultra-processed foods cause a person to become reliant on eating frequently. Remember the synthesized lab experimental food causes you to be hungry even when you are not – so this will become a control factor – who is in control – you or the food.
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