The Upside-Down Kingdom - Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller


Pastor Bobby teaches that when we follow Jesus, we discover how He uses unqualified people to do amazing feats for Him in today’s message: “The Upside-Down Kingdom.”

Fourteen-year-old Noelle Lidyoff from Orange County, California, is a member of the Voices of Hope Children’s Choir. Today, Noelle performs, “My Jesus” (Anne Wilson). She is accompanied by Dr. Marc Riley and the Hour of Power Orchestra.

Charles Jones is a singer, keyboardist, songwriter and producer from Southern California. Today, Charles performs “Take Me to the King” (Kirk Franklin) and “Get Ready” (Darwin Hobbs). Charles is joined by backup singers Dessy DiLauro, LaNiece McKay and Maiya Sykes, and is accompanied by Dr. Marc Riley and the Hour of Power Orchestra.

The Hour of Power Choir, directed by Dr. Irene Messoloras, performs “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” (John Rutter). The choir is accompanied by Christoph Bull on organ and Dr. Marc Riley and the Hour of Power Orchestra.

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Hour of Power Episode: HOP2694
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Led by Pastor Bobby Schuller, millions of people around the world tune in each week for inspiring music and interviews and unique and original messages that encourage each viewer to live a life filled with hope as they:

• LEARN more about who they are in Christ through the process of FORMATION.
• BELONG to his family of believers and become a part of the COMMUNITY.
• HEAL as they are loved and then love and help heal others through MISSION.

Under the leadership of Pastor Bobby, the Shepherd’s Grove congregation meets in Irvine, CA, where they join viewers around the world each week through the newly designed Hour of Power. The Hour of Power began televising in 1970 from the Garden Grove Community Church on the advice of Rev. Billy Graham to Bobby’s grandfather, Rev. Robert H. Schuller.

0:00 - Opening
2:12 - "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" by Hour of Power Choir
5:13 - Scripture Reading (Philippians 2:1-4)
6:04 - "Take Me to the King" by Charles Jones
12:44 - "My Jesus" by Noelle Lidyoff
19:36 - "Get Ready" by Charles Jones
25:54 - Message

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