The Secret To A Good Life | Pastor Levi Lusko


Fresh Life Church

What does a good life look like? It's maybe not what you think, and better than what you think.

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00:00 Welcome from Pastor Levi Lusko
00:22 Series question: What does a good life look like?
03:02 Message title: The Secret To A Good Life
03:18 Micah 6 Verses 1-8
09:46 Jeremiah 26 Verses 18-19
11:11 Never allow the scope of God’s vision for your life to be determined by the smallness of your situation.
13:34 Point 1- You Can’t Get Better Than Good
14:08 Good To Great book by Jim Collins
14:48 John D. Rockefeller quote
15:42 Genesis 1 Verses 1-4 and verse 10
22:40 Point 2- You Can’t Spend Your Way Out Of Debt
24:28 Romans 3 Verses 11-12, and verse 23
28:58 Point 3- You Can’t Earn Your Way Back To Life
30:22 Point 4- You Can’t Have A Good Life Without A Good Shepherd
31:18 John 10 Verse 11
33:38 Psalm 23 Verse 6
34:37 Micah 5 Verses 2-5
36:45 Centennial Lightbulb picture
41:22 Closing Prayer

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