The Heart Behind the Second Coming - Lee Dodd
The second coming of Jesus Christ shouldn't just be considered as an academic eschatalogical event on our theological timeline. We should view it as the glorious fulfillment of Jesus Christ coming and taking His bride to be with Him forever.
→ View on I'll Be Honest:
Session #2 of 2021 Fellowship Conference |
Lee Dodd is a pastor at
0:00 - Scripture, John 14.1-4
1:08 - Opening Prayer
2:19 - Are these verses primarily to be preached at a funeral home?
5:51 - Considering the context leading up to this event.
12:09 - Outline - Three parts to the sermon 1) Christ's coming 2) Christ's commitment 3) Christ's closeness.
13:46 - First Point - Christ's coming.
24:04 - Illustration - The husband longing for his wife to return home from a trip.
28:28 - Second Point - Christ's commitment.
33:20 - Third Point - Christ's Closeness
40:07 - Don't settle for doctrinal purity alone, be a lover of Christ.
43:21 - Closing Prayer