The Glorious Possibilities of the Ordinary Christian Life - Nathan Rages
Do you know the glorious possibilities of the ordinary Christian life? The unlimited possibilities that we have with Christ? God has given us all encouragement in the Bible that we can grow in our knowledge and fellowship with Him. We need to believe that this isn't just for preachers, missionaries, and famous Christians who have had biographies written about them. We need to believe that this is possible for us.
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Session #4 from the 2021 Fellowship Conference
Nathan Rages pastors at Redeeming Grace Church in Columbia, Missouri | or view their YouTube Channel:
0:00 - Opening prayer.
3:33 - Start of the sermon, Ephesians 3.14-21
7:17 - Remember your zeal when you were first saved?
9:10 - Have you lost the initial romance of being a Christian?
12:09 - The treasure chest is available for you; just ask.
18:30 - What is inside the treasure chest?
19:14 - Step 1 - We need to be strengthened on the inside.
22:46 - Step 2 - We need Christ to dwell in our hearts by faith.
25:40 - How does this richer experience of fellowship come about?
27:13 - Step 3 - We need to be loving other people.
31:04 - Step 4 - Christ loves us; do you comprehend this?
36:09 - Step 5 - Be filled up to the fullness of God.
42:15 - Why would God do all of these glorious things in us?
44:47 - This is for us now, in our generation.