Many Christians Reject This Teaching on Tithing—But It's Biblical
Many churches teach that giving 10% is a biblical requirement, and some even say the more you give, the more God will bless you financially. But is that really how God works? 🤔
→ In the Old Covenant, tithing (10%) was required to support the Levites and the temple (Malachi 3:10).
→ Under the New Covenant, we are called to give cheerfully and from the heart—not out of obligation (2 Corinthians 9:7).
→ God doesn’t bless based on how much you give. The prosperity gospel teaches that bigger donations = bigger blessings, but that’s not how God operates. He blesses as He wills, based on the heart, not a dollar amount.
So, should we give? 🙌🏾 Yes! But not because we’re forced to—because we trust God.