Did You Know These? 9 Reasons Jesus Is The Lamb Of God


Why is Jesus called the lamb of God?
Here are 9 amazing reasons why Jesus is the lamb of God, which we should teach our kids.

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Lamb of God is a difficult concept for many adults and children. A lamb is an adorable, precious, innocent animal. When we talk about lambs in the Bible, however, we usually see them serving as a sacrifice to take away sin guilt. We’ve seen this in the Passover. We also see it in reference to Jesus and His death.

Today, I’m excited to talk about 9 reasons Jesus is called the Lamb of God and what that means.

Why is a lamb being killed for sins?
My guess is as good as yours as to why the Lord picked a lamb. Perhaps it’s because they were the closest animal in the time and culture of the Israelites which represented a creature free from blemishes.

Whatever the reason, we see the lamb used throughout God’s Word as a special, dedicated animal.

The first time we see a reference to God providing a lamb for sacrifice is in the Old Testament story of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham walks faith in an unimaginably difficult moment and God provides a ram for the burnt sin offering. God promised a lamb, but provided an adult ram. The reason for this seems to be held in the foreshadowing of when he would provide the Lamb as a sin offering.

We see the lamb again in the story of the Passover, when the Israelites are instructed to slaughter a lamb and brush the blood on their doorways. The presence of the blood signaled death to pass over their house. The blood of the lambs saved God’s people.

When we come to the New Testament, Jesus is called the Lamb of God by John the Baptist. In Revelation, there are 9 references to the Lamb – revealing to us Christ in His victory.

Before that, though, we see Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This symbolism is the key to understanding who He really is and why His death brought salvation to me, you, and anyone who believes. The blood of the Lamb saves all who call on His name.

Deeper Understanding
When we understand Jesus as the Lamb of God, scripture leaps off the page.

When we experience scripture through more of our senses, we have a deeper understanding of the personal nature of the Gospel. The Word of God becomes more vibrant. We see it in full color instead of black and white.

God’s design for our lives includes much symbolism and many opportunities unite our hearts, minds, spirits, and bodies – ALL of our senses – to the Truth! When we feel the truth of God’s Word to the depths of every part of our being, there’s no denying God as Creator or why His Son came to earth.

He came for you. You are the reason!

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