Blessed Are the Meek - Tim Conway


An essential characteristic of someone who wants to follow Jesus Christ and call themselves a Christian is meekness. When we think of meekness, it truly is a rare quality in this world. Meekness is a death blow to self and to our pride. Meekness is forgiving those who hurt us. In short, meekness is being like the Lord Jesus Christ.


→ View on I'll Be Honest:

→ Preached at Grace Fellowship in Manchester, England |

0:00 - Logo intros
0:12 - Introduction
1:02 - What does beatitude mean?
1:30 - Consider the third beatitude today: blessed are the meek.
2:14 - Opening prayer.
4:14 - What does meekness mean?
9:33 - Are you in the category of the blessed?
10:47 - We cannot determine from Matthew 5 what meekness means.
14:20 - Moses had meekness.
16:01 - Meekness is found in the fruit of the Spirit and not to be equated with weakness.
30:09 - Considering the living examples of meekness - Moses.
37:58 - Meekness in Moses
46:32 - Moses was attacked continually.
48:45 - Jesus' meekness.
53:52 - People often misunderstand Jesus' meekness.
1:03:17 - What are the meek told to do?
1:04:55 - What would those around you say about you?

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