Biblical Diet Plan You Need for Daily Health (#1 Secret Most Christians Miss!)


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00:00 America’s health crisis
00:42 how to make Christians healthy again
02:37 God gave us the foods to eat
04:43 avoid toxic chemicals
05:21 eat according to biblical principles
05:37 eat, pray, fast
06:34 the choice is yours
07:14 takeaway

How To Stay Healthy Everyday

It’s time to Make Christians Healthy Again.

In the last century, we’ve handed over control of our food to corporations. Instead of eating the real, whole foods God designed, we’ve embraced factory-made products packed with preservatives, artificial ingredients, and toxic chemicals. And the results? A nation plagued by disease.

Biblical Diet – God’s Original Design
But what does the Bible say about food? Did God leave us without guidance? Absolutely not. From the very beginning, God gave us the perfect diet.
Genesis 1:29 – God’s Original Diet
"Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'" (Genesis 1:29)
In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve ate a plant-based diet—fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds—directly from creation. There were no chemicals or processing—just pure, life-giving food.

Biblical Diet And Returning to God’s Design – Steps to Reclaim Your Health
God’s way is always best. The good news? You don’t have to be trapped in unhealthy habits. Here’s how you can reclaim your health, God’s way:
1. Eat Whole, God-Made Foods
Choose real foods—things that grow in the ground, on trees, or roam freely. Avoid processed foods filled with additives and preservatives. These foods don’t nourish your body as God intended.
2. Cook at Home & Take Control of Your Nutrition
Cooking at home is one of the best ways to take control of what goes into your body. The less packaged food you eat, the healthier you’ll be. Cook meals that honor your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
3. Avoid Toxic Ingredients
Say no to harmful ingredients like seed oils, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives. Your body wasn’t designed to process these chemicals. Stick to real, whole foods that fuel your health.
4. Follow the Biblical Pattern of Eating
Eat at regular times and avoid overindulgence. Practice fasting as a way to reset your health and focus on God. Rest between meals—constant snacking isn’t necessary! Eating at regular times not only honors your body but also encourages a relationship with God centered around nourishment.
5. Honor God with Your Health
Making healthy choices isn’t just about living longer; it’s about living in obedience to God. A healthy body allows you to serve Him better—with more energy, focus, and clarity. Your health is a form of worship.


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