Bible Feast Days vs. Pagan Traditions: Festivals Christians Should Celebrate


What are the feast days in the Bible we should celebrate as Christians?
Watch this video to understand what festivals are biblical, pagan, or even satanic!

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00:00 intro
00:33 what does celebrating festivals look like
04:19 should Christians celebrate the Sabbath
07:01 wrap up

The Meaning of Celebrating Biblical Festivals
One question I often receive is, “What does celebrating the biblical festivals look like?” This is such an important and insightful question, so let’s take a moment to dive in.

In the Old Testament, every festival God ordained was a prophetic picture of what Christ would accomplish. When we, as Christians, celebrate these festivals, we are reenacting these ancient traditions while remembering how Christ fulfilled each one of them. The spring festivals point to Christ's death, resurrection, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, while the fall festivals remind us of what is yet to come—Christ’s return and the glorification of His Church.

When we teach our children and grandchildren about these festivals, we are not just recalling history; we are showing them how God’s promises have been fulfilled in the past and continue to unfold in our lives today. It’s a beautiful way to make the Bible feel alive and present in our daily experiences.

The Importance of Celebrating God’s Feasts
One thing I find crucial in today’s world is the fact that many people are more familiar with the secular holidays and their pagan roots, like Halloween, than they are with the biblical festivals. And yet, Halloween, with its 100% pagan and even satanic connections, continues to be celebrated widely. Why not teach our children and families about the beautiful, God-ordained celebrations instead? These festivals, especially those in the Old Testament, hold such profound meaning for us as Christians, as they point directly to the work of Christ.

For many years, I was taught that the Old Testament festivals were only for Jewish people, but that simply isn’t true. Jesus Himself celebrated these festivals, and we can too. We don’t need to be Jewish to celebrate them; as Christians, we are invited to partake in these feasts, as they are a living testament to God’s love for us.

Should Christians Celebrate the Sabbath?
This leads us to another important question: Should Christians celebrate the Sabbath?

Absolutely, yes! The Sabbath was instituted by God for our benefit, and if God Himself rested on the seventh day, how much more should we? Rest is a divine gift, and when we observe the Sabbath, we align ourselves with God’s plan for our lives. Whether you observe the Sabbath on a Saturday or Sunday, the key is to set aside one day a week for rest and worship, honoring God for all He’s done and trusting in His provision for the coming week.

Our culture often pushes us to work nonstop, but God’s command to rest is a reminder that our worth is not tied to our productivity. By honoring the Sabbath, we can rejuvenate our spirits, bodies, and minds, and experience the peace that God promises to those who trust in Him.


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