What Should A Wife Do When Her Husband is Cruel


Read the full article: www.ibelieve.com/relationships/biblical-submission-what-it-means-helper-husband.html

Although biblical marriage calls couples to yield or submit to one another, most specifical wives to husbands (Ephesians 5:22), it’s a concept widely rejected in today’s society, even among many Christians who believe it’s no longer culturally relevant.

Likewise, even though Genesis 2:18 explains God created woman to be man's helpmate, in today’s vernacular, many women feel offended at the term and idea, seeing it as a subservient role to men.

In debating the issue, most women and men rarely consider the biblical account of Abigail and her bold decision contrary to her husband’s wishes. Her selfless act is rarely discussed. But did Abigail disobey God in her actions?

So what does biblical submission and being a helper to a husband really mean? Like Abigail, is it ever okay for a wife to choose what God is leading her to do over what her husband would approve of her?

By looking at Abigail's story, what can we learn about godly submission and what it means to indeed be a biblical helpmate?

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