Death of Death | Live From Life.Church | Life.Church Worship


Death of Death, a song from the Life.Church Worship album God So Good, evokes the Apostle Paul. Paul explains in the Bible that the price for our sin should be death, but that Jesus paid our debt with His death on the cross. When He rose from the grave three days later, He conquered death. But Jesus didn’t just defeat death and the grave. He also defeated all things that cause death in our lives. Fear, anxiety, trials, struggles—they’re all temporary, because of Jesus’ sacrifice. With Him, we can walk in victory every day of our lives. It truly is the death of death.

God So Good, the live album from Life.Church Worship, is available on digital music platforms.

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God and man were crucified
The day the Promised One had died
It seemed that heaven’s love had lost
As Jesus hung upon the cross
His broken body laid to rest
As earth was filled with hopelessness
Till the Son of Man began to wake
And the tomb became an empty grave

It was the death of death
When You rose to life
When the dark surrendered
To the risen light
Oh praise the Savior
Jesus Christ
It was the death of death and our victory

The war is won, the work is done
Hope for all the world has come
The Victor never lost His crown
’Cause hell and grave can’t hold Him down
No, hell and grave can’t hold Him down

It was the greatest gift
Your life for mine
Fear is finished
My future bright
You gave it all
My heart the prize
It was the death of death and my victory
It was the death of death and our victory

Glory and power
The highest praise
Blessing and honor
Be Yours forever

Life.Church Worship is a ministry of Life.Church—an extension of the church’s mission to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We’re passionate about creating music that leads listeners to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus.

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