Seeing Jesus When You’re Crippled by Fear and Anxiety | OBS Week 5 | Proverbs 31


Online Bible Studies “Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament” Week 5: Seeing Jesus When You’re Crippled by Fear and Anxiety

The Bible gives us so many examples of people who have experienced fear and anxiety just like us. It also shows us how God is protecting His people, even when they don’t see it. When there is no easy way to go where God is leading us, we can turn to Him and trust Jesus is protecting us. Join Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle as we look at where Jesus protected His people throughout Scripture, so we can be assured He is protecting us right now.

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Order your copy of our latest Bible study, “Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament: He’s Never Absent, We’re Never Alone.”

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