Is Your House Built on Christ's Words? - Tim Conway


I'll Be Honest

Jesus declares that there are two types of people, and both are builders, one who is wise and one who is foolish. So are you building your life on the words of Jesus Christ and obeying what He says? The whole sermon on the mount has been a test from Jesus for you and me to recognize what type of builder we are.<br />
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Preached at Grace Fellowship Manchester |<br />
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0:00 - Introduction<br />
3:24 - Who are you like? The wise or the foolish man?<br />
05:44 - What does it mean to be wise?<br />
10:07 - What does the wise man do?<br />
12:09 - There are two types of people, both builders.<br />
16:44 - When Jesus speaks, what happens to you?<br />
24:33 - Is Christ precious to you?<br />
28:57 - What about the person who has no foundation?<br />
36:08 - This sermon is a test from Jesus.<br />
41:58 - Noticed how often hell is threatened.<br />
45:17 - The warnings should not make you despair but drive you to Christ.<br />
46:35 - Do you think you are a Christian?<br />
49:11 - Does this series annoy you?

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