What Will You Name It? // Name It Before You Know It // Crazyer Faith (Part 13) // Charles Metcalf
While Mary was given the responsibility of carrying Jesus, Joseph was given the responsibility of naming him. He called him Immanuel, God with us. He knew the power that was in a name. What are you naming the situations in your life? What are you giving power to with your words? Pastor Charles teaches how we can use our words to create God’s vision.
#WhatWillYouNameIt #NameItBeforeYouKnowIt #PowerOfWords #CharlesMetcalf
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00:00 - Crazy Faith Book Promo
05:48 - Matthew chapter 1 verse 18
12:33 - Carrying Crazy Faith always costs you.
17:20 - Jeremiah chapter 23 verses 5 & 6
17:38 - John chapter 7 verse 42
34:12 - What you name it is how the world will know it
38:40 - Don’t let the path of your life make you forget the power of your legacy
40:34 - What will you name it?