Why Did God Create Humans? | 7 Minute Devotional


God created mankind with a specific purpose, but what is it? Were we simply created so God had someone to fellowship with or is there more to it?

We record these devotional times at the beginning of every live stream over on Twitch. Join me live during one of my Twitch streams to engage with this devotional content live and in person.

Monday: 1-5pm CST
Tuesday: 1-5pm CST
Thursday: 1-5pm CST
Friday: 1-5pm CST

My Streaming Gear: kit.co/PastorDoostyn/gear

♦️ PATREON: patreon.com/pastordoostyn
🎮 TWITCH: twitch.tv/pastordoostyn
🐦 TWITTER: twitter.com/pastordoostyn
👾 DISCORD: discord.gg/CqyjkeD
👕 MERCH: merch.streamelements.com/pastordoostyn

God Loves You & So Do I
#Devotional #ShortSermon #BibleStudy

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