Mental Health Of Our Nation (With Greg Laurie)


Let's talk about the Mental Health Of Our Nation. We live in our culture right now, where there are so many discouraging words, so many people saying you're not going to make it or you're going to fail. I mean, go online and look at all the internet trolls and the ridiculous mean-spirited vitriol and comments they'll make. This is a discouraging time, turn on the news. It's even more discouraging. So what are we to do? It's actually affecting the mental health of our nation, especially young people.

No wonder the rates of depression from 14 to 17 year olds grew from 60%. From 2009 to 2017, and it's even gone up more recently because of COVID and lock downs and isolation and all the rest of it. Suicide rates and young people have more than doubled in a decade, 43% of millennials and gen Zs report being very concerned about their mental health.

They need to know that they're appreciated, that they're needed, that they're loved and they're cared for. And let me personalize it. You need to know that you are cared for loved and appreciated.

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