Today we are continuing on with our Habakkuk Bible Study With Me series in Habakkuk chapter two. In chapter one Habakkuk wrestles with the question of, if God is in control, why does so much evil exist in the world, and why does God not seem to be doing anything about it? He ends his complaint by telling God he will wait for an answer.
This is where we pick up in Habakkuk chapter two - with God's response. As we'll see, God does not directly answer Habakkuk's 'why' question, but instead affirms that justice will ultimately come. From this chapter we will learn practically how to hold onto what God has spoken even when we can't see it. We'll also be invited into Habakkuk's decision, which is our decision as well: will Habakkuk torment himself with the unanswered "why's" of life, or will he believe that God is fundamentally good, and choose to trust Him even when he doesn't understand?
Comment below your favorite verse or biggest takeaway from Habakkuk chapter two! 💛
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SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/2mt8aWE
Bible Project Habakkuk Overview - bit.ly/3c5Q7vN
Gary Hamrick Habakkuk Sermon "When God Doesn't Make Sense" - bit.ly/30j8O9G
Having Faith When It Feels Hopeless and Risky - bit.ly/2NLRhmZ
Journaling Bible (The Daily Grace Co.): bit.ly/2P3Zogn
Journaling Bible (Amazon): amzn.to/2UYSSGJ
Scribe Bible Journal: bit.ly/2CF9c8M
Gel Bible Highlighters: bit.ly/2NK06fU
Hosanna Revival 5-Year Prayer Journal: bit.ly/3pGvaO2
Study Bible - bit.ly/399p4zP
Grace To You App: bit.ly/35qY3lN
YouVersion Bible App: bit.ly/3eVwUxk
Blue Letter Bible App: apple.co/2xc7Cdl
Journaling Pens: amzn.to/2yS9bgU
Bible Pens: bit.ly/3aGZFL3
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“And the Lord answered me: 'Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay." | Habakkuk 2:2-3