6 Biblical Qualities To Look For In A Christian Husband
What qualities should you look for in a godly husband? In this video, we're unpacking six biblical qualities to look for in a Christian husband. This was actually inspired by a Christian dating and relationships sermon series by Jonathan Pokluda. Essentially, he looks at the biblical qualifications of an overseer found in 1 Timothy 3, and draws application from it to what qualities we as Christian women should be looking for in a future husband. As JP put it, God has standards for the men He would have lead His Church - which is His bride - and it follows that these standards would also apply to the men He would have take His daughters as their bride. This resource has been incredibly helpful to me, and I hope it is to you too! 💛
#ChristianDating #GodlySpouse #BiblicalManhood
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Jonathan Pokluda "Fantasy Guy" - bit.ly/2ON7DwM
Jonathan Pokluda "Fantasy Girl" - bit.ly/3bmF1lH
Voddie Baucham "Biblical Manhood" - bit.ly/2ZwdkBx
Journaling Bible (The Daily Grace Co.): bit.ly/2P3Zogn
Journaling Bible (Amazon): amzn.to/2UYSSGJ
Scribe Bible Journal: bit.ly/2CF9c8M
Gel Bible Highlighters: bit.ly/2NK06fU
Hosanna Revival 5-Year Prayer Journal: bit.ly/3pGvaO2
Study Bible - bit.ly/399p4zP
Grace To You App: bit.ly/35qY3lN
YouVersion Bible App: bit.ly/3eVwUxk
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Journaling Pens: amzn.to/2yS9bgU
Bible Pens: bit.ly/3aGZFL3
Moleskine Journal: amzn.to/2SXSU29
The Simple Thing That Changed How I See My Current Circumstances - bit.ly/2zNLLYy
Words For When God Doesn't Give You What You Want - bit.ly/2x6AnHG
What Not To Say To Your Single Friend (And What To Say Instead) - bit.ly/2EmO6JL
If You Feel Forgotten By God - bit.ly/2GuC58e
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“But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." | 1 Samuel 16:7