Why Does God Let the Innocent Suffer? Ep. 1234: Christian Questions Podcast


Christian Questions


Tragedy hurts. But a tragedy that involves the utterly senseless taking of the lives of innocent children is a blow to the heart that can send us reeling. Such a blow is hard to recover from and the recent school shooting in Uvalde Texas is a most recent and horrifying example of this profound pain. Heated debates typically spring up after such a tragedy as everyone wants answers as to how to stop such things. One resounding question that comes from believers and unbelievers alike is, how can an all-knowing, all-powerful God see such things happen and just, well, just do nothing? If God is love as the Bible says He is, how do we even begin to understand what so many consider to be His utter lack of attention and intervention in such tragedies?

📁CQ REWIND SHOW NOTES and Study Questions📁 resources.christianquestions.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/24170616/CQ_Rewind_6-20-2022_Why_Does_God_Let_the_Innocent_Suffer.pdf

Here are some questions we answer in this podcast:

[00:18:09] How can we cope with all of this right now?

[00:35:12] What details of God's plan can we hold onto so we can better endure our trials?

[00:49:41] What is the end result for all those who have suffered?

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