You Were Not Meant To Do This Alone | Holly Furtick | Elevation Church
God never intended for you to live out your faith in isolation.
In “You Were Not Meant To Do This Alone,” Holly Furtick of Elevation Church challenges us to check our connection with Christ and the community He’s surrounded us with.
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Hypocritical Things We Do As Parents
3:05 - Why Is Making Friends So Hard?
4:29 - I'm Tired of Trying To Fit In
5:46 - You Were Not Meant To Do This Alone (John 20, verses 19-20)
7:00 - This Isn't What I Expected
10:14 - Belonging Is A Core Need
12:05 - Check Your Connection (I Don't Mean WiFi)
14:19 - The Only Way To Have Stable Connections
16:30 - Why Am I Feeling Isolated?
18:22 - Don't Let Shame Keep You Lonely
20:47 - How To Release The Weight of Loneliness
21:40 - Are You Connected To The Right People?
24:11 - Friendships Are Formed, Not Found
25:42 - God Works Through Your Connections
30:22 - Doing Life TOGETHER
31:44 - Form Friendships Before The Crisis
34:04 - Everything Is Scarier On Your Own
35:09 - Don't Stay Scattered In Fear (John 20, verses 19-22)
37:15 - We Cannot Give Up Meeting Together (Hebrews 10, verses 23-25)
40:41 - Come Back Together (Acts 2, verses 1-4)
42:35 - An Opportunity For Connection and Community
45:02 - Connecting To The Source
47:53 - Join Us For Elevation Nights
You Were Not Meant To Do This Alone | Holly Furtick | Elevation Church