Beware of False Prophets - Tim Conway


Jesus warns us that there will be many false teachers who come and are disguised. How can we know them? Why give this warning? Is not grace so gracious that we don't need this warning? How do you know I am not a false prophet?


→ View on I'll Be Honest:

0:00 - Have you heard what Jesus said?
1:20 - Matthew 7, considering the context.
4:16 - Verses 15-20.
6:59 - Are there prophets today?
14:51 - Is your authority some confession or the Bible?
17:39 - False prophets don't like to tell you the hard things.
19:35 - False prophets are disguised.
23:04 - How can we know them? Fruit.
33:29 - Why is this warning given? Not as a threat to the false prophet but to you as a warning.
39:07 - Is not grace so gracious that we don't need this warning?
44:48 - People quote Ephesians 2.8-9 but forget to quote verse 10.
45:34 - False prophets want to reinterpret Jesus for us.
56:59 - How do you know I am not a false prophet?
57:37 - We need genuine faith because we face real trials.
1:00:22 - Are you a decided follower of Jesus Christ?
1:09:15 - Worn out? Look to Christ.
1:10:52 - John Wesley quote on being all out for Christ.
1:12:02 - Closing prayer.

Series: Sermon On The Mount |

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