Daily Devotional For Women | Holding Onto HOPE | Hebrews 6:18-19


Happy Monday friends - in today's devotional we're talking on the subject of HOPE! I hope when you listen to this daily devotional for women that you end the video feeling empowered, inspired and filled with encouragement. Grab your coffee & and let's dig into the word together!

My prayer for these devotionals is that it'll get your day started in the right way, challenge you, encourage you, and lead you into some precious time with Jesus to start your day with! (Can of course be watched anytime though!)

Battlefield of the Mind Bible (The one I use!): amzn.to/312BXVd

More Coffee & Jesus Videos:

+ How to REALLY Count It All As JOY

+ 5 Bible Verses For Peace:

Don't Forget to Subscribe!! - bit.ly/1rc9Yjc

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