Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play "You're Going to Lose That Girl"
Hey guys! IT’S BEATLES WEDNESDAY! I love hearing everyone sing together and the harmony is so pretty in this one. And before we get any comments on why Bellamy didn’t have a bigger part tonight, we’ll go ahead and tell you it’s because she was busy learning how to roller skate backwards in our living room. Ryman punishes her for not showing up to practice by attacking her hand that she’s playing the shaker with. HAHA! We hope you enjoy it! This is Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids playing, “You’re Going to Lose That Girl”.
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Hello everyone! We're the Clark family. Colt (the dad) is a professional musician and Aubree (me, the mom behind the camera) is a photographer. Together we home school our three children (even when we're not in the middle of a pandemic). :) To keep busy during the shutdown we started learning and recording a new song every other day to share with our friends and family. We love playing music and spending time together as a family. Hopefully these songs brighten your day!