Let's Talk: Obedience and the Law


Christians are saved by grace, not by works of the law. So where does obedience fit into the Christian life? On this episode of Let's Talk, Jackie, Jasmine, and Melissa talk about how to have a biblical view of obedience and the law. They talk about how to make sense of the Book of James, whether God's law evolves, how to avoid legalism in our homes, and how we sometimes make laws out of our own preferences.
The Bible speaks of God's commands as a precious gift. Melissa says, "The law shows us what life by the Spirit looks like." We should never trust in works of the law for our salvation, but by God's grace, as we mature in our faith, we will learn to treasure his commands.

Related Resources
* Making Sense of Scripture's 'Inconsistency' www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/making-sense-of-scriptures-inconsistency/
* Is the Book of James Really Christian? www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/book-james-christian/
* Why Don’t Christians Keep the Jewish Law? www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/why-dont-christians-keep-jewish-law/
* 3 Dangers of (Merely) Messy Christianity www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/3-dangers-merely-messy-christianity/

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