How to overcome anxiety and worry? Feeling anxious and worried seems to be the norm these days, especially in a fast paced “Boss life” society that our culture has glorified. We feel like we have to constantly be on the run and when situations seem like more than we can handle or are out of control we panic. We freak out on the inside. How are Christ’s children supposed to respond to anxiety and worry? There are several verses in scripture that tell us to cast our anxiety on Him and let Him handle it. But our response is usually..“Lord, I trust you with my life! But not with that meeting at work that’s happening on Tuesday…” If we TRULY believe the Lord has the best plan for our lives why is our grasp so tightly clung onto every little problem we have? This will be a constant battle for us since we live in a sinful world, but there are many weapons we can use to fight off these lies and beliefs that the Lord won’t handle our problems. Peter gives us a maintenance plan in 1 Peter 5:6-9
✔ Maintenance Plan (1 Peter 5:6-9)
Be self-controlled (this takes discipline)
Remember that we have an enemy
Resist & stand firm in faith
Allow no self-pity
✔ W E B S I T E
✔ I N S T A G R A M
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