What is the Gospel story? What does it mean to be saved by grace through faith? Why did God send Jesus to save us, and what is the impact of Jesus' finished work on the cross in our lives as individuals and in the community of believers?
These are all questions Ephesians chapter two is going to cover, and it's going to be good! 👏🏼 I hope you are enjoying this Bible Study With Me series through the book of Ephesians - don't forget to comment down below letting me know which verse or takeaway you want to hold onto. 💛
#Ephesians #BibleStudyWithMe #Ephesians2
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Bible Project Ephesians Overview - bit.ly/3uShpx5
Paul LeBoutillier Ephesians 2 Sermon (Pt. 1) - bit.ly/3gfuxbB
Paul LeBoutillier Ephesians 2 Sermon (Pt. 2) - bit.ly/3gqcxKh
Paul LeBoutillier Ephesians 2 Sermon (Pt. 3) - bit.ly/3cBjXJE
Paul LeBoutillier Ephesians 2 Sermon (Pt. 4) - bit.ly/3gdDTo0
Journaling Bible (The Daily Grace Co.): bit.ly/2P3Zogn
Journaling Bible (Amazon): amzn.to/2UYSSGJ
Scribe Bible Journal: bit.ly/2CF9c8M
Gel Bible Highlighters: bit.ly/2NK06fU
Hosanna Revival 5-Year Prayer Journal: bit.ly/3pGvaO2
Study Bible - bit.ly/399p4zP
Enduring Word Commentary - bit.ly/3fRVSjE
YouVersion Bible App: bit.ly/3eVwUxk
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“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." | Ephesians 2:10