Let's Talk: Identifying False Teaching


Sometimes it's easy to spot false teaching. Prosperity preachers tend to wear flashy suits and drive luxury cars. Mormon missionaries wear ties and name tags. But not all false teachers are so recognizable. Those that we are most susceptible to may be the hardest to recognize. "There are people [around you] who are going unaware, unnoticed," says Jackie Hill Perry, "that are teaching things that are not in line with the faith, but you don't see it. Why? Because they look like you."

On this episode of Let's Talk, Jackie Hill-Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger talk about how to identify false teachers as well as the difference between false teaching and mere differences of interpretation. They also talk about how to have a conversation with a friend who follows someone you're concerned may be a false teacher.

Related Reading
15 Discernment Diagnostics
Costi Hinn Exposes the Most Abusive Kind of False Teaching Today (podcast)
Beware of Broken Wolves

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