Having The Best - Part 9 (Hebrews 2:1-4)


In this message, Pastor Jack overviews the Gifts of the Spirit and how they are used to benefit others in the church.

When the Holy Spirit empowers you to use your Spiritual Gift, it is not merely a skill set that comes easily to the believer. There should be an element of "surprise" when your Spiritual Gift is being used; this points to the fact that it is not coming from your strength or merit, but the Holy Spirit working through you.

0:00 - Introduction
7:30 - 3. Equips Us With Power And Purpose
13:53 - The Gift of Wisdom
17:33 - The Gift of Knowledge
21:24 - The Gift of Faith
26:51 - The Gift of Healing
30:20 - The Gift of Miracles
33:32 - The Gift of Prophecy
42:03 - The Gift of Discernment
46:10 - The Gift of Tongues

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