Jesus Will Create Heaven On Earth (Prophecy Points)
Jesus Will Create Heaven On Earth!
It’s always exciting to get a new version of something. We love new things. In fact, advertisers have figured out that if they put the words “new and improved” on a product, it will make us want to buy it. Maybe the only thing that’s new and improved is the packaging, but still, we’re attracted to the idea of newness.
God loves new things as well. And there’s a new world coming for all of us who have put our faith in Jesus Christ.
In my opinion, the next event on the prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church. That is the moment when Christ will come for His people, and in the twinkling of an eye, we’ll be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.
After that, a world figure will emerge on the scene whom we call the Antichrist. Effectively he will inaugurate the Great Tribulation period, which will end with the Battle of Armageddon. This will end with the second coming of Jesus Christ, which will lead to what we call the
Millennium—one thousand years of peace on Planet Earth.
Then Heaven and Earth will become one. New Jerusalem, like a bride adorned for her husband, will come down from Heaven to Earth, and Heaven and Earth will merge together.
As we look at the unrest and violence in our culture right now, these are signs of the times. Also, the Bible tells us that in the last days there will be more plagues, or what we might call a pandemic. So God is telling us what our future is, and it really will be new and improved.
Therefore, we should be thinking about the afterlife. The only way to live the best life today is to always be aware that the afterlife is near. A better world is coming.
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